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Guinea pig Tee

Regular price $29.90 USD
Regular price $34.90 USD Sale price $29.90 USD
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🦁 🐹💪The inspiration for this design comes from this Reddit; it is true that courage is often associated with the majestic lion, armed with giant claws and fangs. But the essence of bravery unfolds in more unassuming scenarios, like that of the petite and typically adorable guinea pig. Picture it, taking on a being hundreds of times larger—the mighty human—for a mere slice of cucumber.

To the casual observer, this tee might raise an eyebrow or two, leading them to believe you're a coward. But only those in the know truly understand the depths of bravery displayed in the simplest acts. Wear it as a testament to the unexpected courage found in the smallest and most unlikely of places, and let the discerning souls recognize the truth it holds. 🐹🥒